Partners Poland Mediation Centre

About the institution
Partners Poland Mediation Centre was established in 2001, as a part of Partners Poland Foundation, which is a non-governmental organisation aiming to promote peaceful dispute resolution and democratic ways of decision making. Mediators are well prepared psychologists, sociologists and lawyers. They participated in a number of mediation trainings both in Poland and abroad (USA, Hungary, Norway, Slovakia, UK), as well as in trainings on family disputes, marital conflicts, psychological assistance, etc.
We deliver various types of mediation services – we mediate family disputes, intra-organisational cases, workplace and business disputes, where the parties are referred by courts or come on a contractual basis, out of court. The majority of cases mediated in our Centre are the divorce ones. Business disputes are being dealt with at Business Mediation Centre, where Maciej Tański, head of Partners Poland Mediation Centre, is the director.
We conduct trainings in conflict resolution, negotiation, interpersonal communication, management of organisational change, and, of course, mediation, including Training for Trainers.
Phone: +48 22 825 40 83
Partners Poland Mediation Centre
ul. Ratuszowa 7/9 lok. 65
03-450 Warszawa