Click here to learn about the video interaction possibilities (below the video).

In this video, a result of the In Medias project, we provide a complete mediation experience along with insightful information. We hope you have an engaging viewing experience.

Disclaimer: The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Phase of Mediation
Methods and Techniques
further aspects

Video Usage Manual

Welcome to the Digital IN Medias Module's video component, designed to enhance your mediation learning experience. Here's a brief guide on how to navigate and use the video effectively:

You can initiate the video playback by pressing the designated play button.

This icon represents additional information related to the phases and process of mediation.

The second icon provides hints and insights about the methods and techniques employed in mediation.

This icon offers further insights, including intercultural aspects, ethical considerations etc.

New Information Notifications: Whenever new information is available within these categories, the corresponding icon will display a blinking point. This serves as a notification, similar to the way new messages appear on your phone.

Accessing New Information: To access the new information, simply click on the blinking icon. This action will pause the video, allowing you to explore the additional content.

Closing Information: If you wish to return to the video, click the 'x' on the information window, and it will disappear. You can then resume watching the mediation simulation.

Thoughts or Feedback?

If you have thoughts, suggestions or additions to our interactive mediation videos, please let us know via the form below. Thanks for your participation!

IN-MEDIAS - Interactive Video Feedback Form

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