Maria Vittoria Gargiulo & Ottó Fogarasi

Maria Vittoria Gargiulo
Other Languages: English
Professional Background
My research activity develops around two main branches: i) Multi-risk analysis and risk pathways identification; ii) Science Communication and its evaluation, particularly focused on risk perception. I have almost a decade of experience in teaching from high school to University. Furthermore, I organized the S4CE project summer school NO RISK NO ENERGY for the University of Salerno. Finally, I am a Positive Peace Activator trained by Rotary International and the Institute of Economics and Peace.
Biography Letter
I have always been very interested in cross-cultural confrontation and mediation even though, as you can see from my curriculum, my chosen field of study and research is hard-science. On the other end, my field of professional intervention concerns not only the applicative aspects of research but also the area of cultural "absorption" of scientific notions. In other words, I deal with social representations and cultural mediation. Moreover, being involved in EU funded project I work every day with colleagues from all over Europe, with different backgrounds and interests, that I have to meet. A situation that is replicated in my associative life that places me in a series of international and intercultural relations that in fact requires mediation skills.
The added value of my associative life is precisely this: striving to combine differences and make them into resources: personal, relational, and community.

Ottó Fogarasi
Country of Residence: Italy
Primary Language: Hungarian
Other Languages: English
Field of Mediation: Community, Family, Intercultural, Labor, School
Professional Background
I am a social educator, mediator and disciple of restorative practices. I worked for five years in an alternative high school and for a further four years in a child-welfare center as a school social worker, managing and delivering activities on a wide range of topics including team-building, anti-bullying, promoting cooperation, assertive communication and problem-solving, as well as working on conflict resolution and various community projects. I also provided training to teachers and consultancy for parents and teachers. I was voted leader of the employees’ committee, in a mediator-advocacy capacity.
Besides, I was involved in various projects in prisons and community centers.
Biography Letter
I’ve arrived at mediation through my professional development. I specialized in the field of experiential education, focusing on group dynamics and developing social skills through interactions, by creating an environment around my clients in which I facilitate the process and let the participants make their choices. This essentially has the same approach as mediation. The underlying value of self-determination is of fundamental importance to me. My mission is to empower individuals, partnerships, organizations and communities to be able to make their own decisions with respect to each stakeholder.
I am open to all kinds of mediation with community, workplace, school, family and intercultural cases as my specialty.

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