Han Hendriks & Julius Kaut

Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau

Han Hendriks

Country of Residence: The Netherlands

Primary Language: Dutch

Other Languages: English, Spanish

Field of Mediation: Commercial

Professional Background

During the past 23 years working as a social entrepreneur I built up (together with my business partners) a collective of 22 companies with a common denominator: Powered by Meaning Group. We believe that the world cannot live without entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship for coming up with solutions for tomorrow's problems. Furthermore I am appointed growth mentor at "NL Groeit" for scale ups in The Netherlands.

By working in this entrepreneurial environment, I learned the importance of mediation. The importance of understanding the multi-stakeholder beliefs, specific and common needs and interests. I have a wide experience with intra- and interorganizational collaborations (start-ups, scale ups and corporates and governmental organizations)

Biography Letter

I’m a father of three children (10, 12 and 16 years old) and I am married to Sarah. Sarah runs a beautiful business called De Groeistudio to make sure that young professionals are capable to deal with stress and burn out challenges.

During my career as an entrepreneur in many situations I worked as a dealmaker or mediator (though I didn't know at that time that I was actually performing a mediation process. In the past 23 year years I had to experience 2 lawsuits and in both cases it was a very disappointing process and with disappointing results for all parties involved. Therefore I was looking for alternative ways to resolve disputes.

I will be able to help clients the best in commercial mediations. Conflicts between start ups, scale ups, corporates and/or governments. Also conflicts between private equity and ventures. Or in conflicts between shareholders. In a wide variety of sectors.

Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau

Julius Kaut

Country of Residence: Netherlands

Primary Language: German

Other Languages: English

Field of Mediation: International

Professional Background

I come from a background of conflict studies and disaster management. In recent years, I have been working on food security in settings of intractable conflict and protracted crises. I hold a master’s degree in conflict management from the University of Haifa and I run a consultancy firm offering services for development and humanitarian actors. Further, I am currently researching at a Dutch University on the impact of humanitarian aid on conflict. Working in the humanitarian sector in an international environment and across borders and having lived in different countries within and outside of Europe, has shaped my understanding for intercultural conflict communication. These experiences have motivated me to absolve a master’s degree in conflict studies and to become a certified Mediator.

Biography Letter

Conflicts as a catalyst for change as well as the resolution, settlement and transformation of conflicts are what sparked my interest throughout my life.

I believe that in every-day conflicts and even in cases of intractable conflict and conflicts that have reached an impasse or mutually hurting stalemate, mediation and dialogue are the way forward to addressing conflicts on all scales. Only if all sides involved are granted the chances of being heard, of sharing their views and their respective narratives, finding an agreement becomes feasible.

Having lived and worked in areas that experience frequent conflict has further shaped my understanding of conflicts and I see mediation as the key component of any attempt for ‘partners in conflict’ to reach an agreement.

Being a European at heart and given my professional and personal background, I can best apply my knowledge and skills in cases of international, cross-border mediation.

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